Javascript OO Template

Javascript OO Template



div.dialog {
   width: 600px;
   margin: 2px;
   padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
   border: 1px solid #ccc;
div#input {
   height: 200px;
div#output {
   height: 400px;


* RoomController is the main interface to the application
var testVariable = "helloVar";
function testFunction() {
    return "helloFun";

function testIncludes() {
    var output = "testing Item object: ";
    var item1 = new Item("title1", "type", null, null, null, null, null);
    var item2 = new Item("title2", "type", null, null, null, null, null);
    output += " Item1 version=" + item1.getVersion() + " id=" + item1.getID() + " title=" + item1.getTitle() + " type=" + item1.getType() + " ";
    output += " Item2 version=" + item2.getVersion() + " id=" + item2.getID() + " title=" + item2.getTitle() + " type=" + item2.getType() + " ";

    var room1 = new Room("title3", null, null, null, null, null);
    var room2 = new Room("title4", null, null, null, null, null);
    output += " Room1 version=" + room1.getVersion() + " id=" + room1.getID() + " title=" + room1.getTitle() + " type=" + room1.getType() + " ";
    output += " Room2 version=" + room2.getVersion() + " id=" + room2.getID() + " title=" + room2.getTitle() + " type=" + room2.getType() + " ";

    var door1 = new Door("title5", null, null, null, room1, room2, false); //title, position, dimensions, colour, roomA, roomB, isOpen
    output += " Door1=" + door1.toString() + " ";

    return output;

//base RoomController object
var RoomController = function () {
    this.VERSION = '0.1a';
RoomController.prototype.getVersion = function () { return this.VERSION; }
RoomController.prototype.processCommand = function (key, param) {
    var output = "";
    if (key != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; (typeof key == "string") & amp; amp;& amp; amp; key.length & gt; 0) {
        switch (key) {
            case "?":
            case "help":
                output = "commands: [?|help] view help [q|quit] quit this application";
            case "q":
            case "quit":
                output = "exiting application...";
                output = "!unrecognised command. Enter help to see list of commands.";
    return output;

//main initialisation
function roomInit() {
    var controller = new RoomController();
    return controller;


* class Item represents an individual item or collection of items in the world
* The semicolon at the beginning takes care of any improperly terminated statements that might preface this class.
* Wrap everything in a function to preserve scope.
//;(function(window) {
function Item(title, type, container, position, dimensions, colour, children) {
    * Static Properties - shared between all instances
    Item.VERSION = "Item 0.1";
    Item.TYPE = "Item";

    //static fields
    if (typeof Item.IDTOP == 'undefined') {
        // It has not been used yet, so perform the initialisation
        Item.IDTOP = 0;

    * Privileged Properties - unique to each instance
    **********************************************************/ = Item.IDTOP++; //int
    this.title = title; //String
    this.type = type; //String
    this.container = container; //Item object
    this.position = position; //Position object
    this.dimensions = dimensions; //Dimension object
    this.colour = colour; //Colour object
    this.children = children; //Array

    * Private Properties - scope only in this inner function
    var self = this; //!!!always required to sort out scope issues with window, inner functions etc.
    //var _privateVar = 'Private Variable';

    * Privileged Methods
    * can access public, privileged and private methods and properties
    //this.getVersion = function() {
    //return Item.VERSION;

    * Private Methods
    * can also access any of the types
    //function privateMethod() {

    * Getters / Setters - of Private Properties via Privileged Methods
    //self.getPrivateVar = function() {
    //return _privateVar;

    //self.setPrivateVar = function(val) {
    //_privateVar = val;

    * Constructor
    self.__contruct = function () {
        //already handled by Privileged Properties

* Public Properties - shared between all instances
//Item.prototype.publicProp = 'Public Variable';

* Public Methods - shared between all instances
Item.prototype.getVersion = function () { return Item.VERSION; }
Item.prototype.getTypeOf = function () { return Item.TYPE; }
Item.prototype.getIDTop = function () { return Item.IDTOP; }

Item.prototype.getID = function () { return; }
Item.prototype.getTitle = function () { return this.title; }
Item.prototype.getType = function () { return this.type; }
Item.prototype.getContainer = function () { return this.container; }
Item.prototype.getPosition = function () { return this.position; }
Item.prototype.getDimensions = function () { return this.dimensions; }
Item.prototype.getColour = function () { return this.colour; }
Item.prototype.getChildren = function () { return this.children; }

Item.prototype.setID = function (id) { = id; }
Item.prototype.setTitle = function (title) { this.title = title; }
Item.prototype.setType = function (type) { this.type = type; }
Item.prototype.setContainer = function (container) { this.container = container; }
Item.prototype.setPosition = function (position) { this.position = position; }
Item.prototype.setDimensions = function (dimensions) { this.dimensions = dimensions; }
Item.prototype.setColour = function (colour) { this.colour = colour; }
Item.prototype.setChildren = function (children) { this.children = children; }

Item.prototype.getChildByID = function (id, remove) {
    var output = null; //returns Item
    if (id & gt;=0) {
        if ( == id) {
            output = this;
            if (remove) {

                //to do

        } else if (this.children != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; this.children.length & gt; 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i & lt; this.children.length; i++) {
                if (this.children[i] != null) {
                    output = this.children[i].getChildByID(id, remove);
                    //removal handled by if case above
        } else {
            //no match
    return output;

Item.prototype.addNewChild = function (title, type, container, position, dimensions, colour, children) {
    var output = null; //return Item
    output = new Item(title, type, container, position, dimensions, colour, children);
    if (this.children == null) {
        this.children = new Array();
    return output;

Item.prototype.addExistingChild = function (child, overwrite) {
    var output = false; //Boolean
    if (child != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; child instanceof Item) {
        if (this.children == null) {
            this.children = new Array();
        output = true;
    return output;

Item.prototype.toString = function () {
    var output = "id=" +;
    output += ", title=" + this.title;
    output += ", type=" + this.type;
    output += ", container=" + (this.container == null) ? this.container.toString() : "";
    output += ", position=" + (this.position == null) ? this.position.toString() : "";
    output += ", dimensions=" + (this.dimensions == null) ? this.dimensions.toString() : "";
    output += ", colour=" + (this.colour == null) ? this.colour.toString() : "";
    output += ", children="; //to do
    return output;

Item.prototype.compareTo = function (other) {
    var output = 0; //int
    if (other != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; other instanceof Item) {
        if ( & lt; {
            output = 1;
        } else if ( & gt; {
            output = -1;
        } else {
            output = 0;
    } else {
        //invalid argument
        output = null;
    return output;

//make Item function visible to global scope
// window.Item = Item;


* class Room represents a collection of boundary and furniture objects.
* extends Item
//;(function(window) {
* Create a new constructor function, whose prototype is the parent object's prototype.
* Set the child's prototype to the newly created constructor function.
* if argument exists use this mthod rather than: Room.prototype = new Item();
if (typeof extendObj == 'undefined') {
    var extendObj = function (childObj, parentObj) {
        var tmpObj = function () { }
        tmpObj.prototype = parentObj.prototype;
        childObj.prototype = new tmpObj();
        childObj.prototype.constructor = childObj;

//setup inheritance of object - must be called BEFORE class defined otherwise
// child prototypes get overridden by parent
extendObj(Room, Item);

function Room(title, level, position, dimensions, colour, children) {
    * call parent constructor
    if (typeof Item == 'undefined') {
        //parent object not defined yet
        alert("Item object undefined to Room!");
    } else {, title, "room", level, position, dimensions, colour, children);

    * Static Properties - shared between all instances
    Room.VERSION = "Room 0.1";
    Room.TYPE = "Room";

    //static fields
    //if ( typeof Room.IDTOP == 'undefined' ) {
    // It has not been used yet, so perform the initialisation
    //Room.IDTOP = 0;

    * Privileged Properties - unique to each instance
    this.doorList = []; //Array of Door objects

    * Private Properties - scope only in this inner function
    var self = this; //!!!always required to sort out scope issues with window, inner functions etc.
    //var _privateVar = 'Private Variable';

    * Privileged Methods
    * can access public, privileged and private methods and properties
    //this.getVersion = function() {
    //return Room.VERSION;

    * Private Methods
    * can also access any of the types
    //function privateMethod() {
    // }

    * Getters / Setters - of Private Properties via Privileged Methods
    //self.getPrivateVar = function() {
    //return _privateVar;

    //self.setPrivateVar = function(val) {
    //_privateVar = val;

    * Constructor
    self.__contruct = function () {
        //already handled by Privileged Properties


//setup inheritance of object
//extendObj(Room, Item);

* Public Properties - shared between all instances
//Room.prototype.publicProp = 'Public Variable';

* Public Methods - shared between all instances
Room.prototype.getVersion = function () { return Room.VERSION; }
Room.prototype.getTypeOf = function () { return Room.TYPE; }

Room.prototype.getItem = function (title, remove) {
    var output = null; //Item object
    if (title != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; title.length & gt; 0 & amp; amp;& amp; amp; this.itemList != null) {
        var matchedIndex = -1;
        for (var i = 0; i & lt; this.itemList.length; i++) {
            if (this.itemList[i] != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; this.itemList[i] instanceof Item & amp; amp;& amp; amp; this.itemList[i].getTitle() == title) {
                output = this.itemList[i];
                matchedIndex = i;
        if (output != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; remove & amp; amp;& amp; amp; matchedIndex & gt;=0) {
            this.itemList.splice(i, 1); //at position i, remove 1 item
    return output;

Room.prototype.addItem = function (title, type, parent, position, dimensions, colour, children, overwrite) {
    var output = null; //Item object
    if (title != null & amp; amp;& amp; amp; title.length & gt; 0) {
        output = this.getItem(title, false);
        if (output == null) {
            output = new Item(title, type, parent, position, dimensions, colour, children);
        } else if (overwrite) {
        } else {
            //do not overwrite existing item
    return output;

Room.prototype.getDoor = function (title, remove) {
    var output = null; //Door

    return output;

Room.prototype.addDoor = function (door, overwrite) {
    var output = false;

    return output;

//make Room function visible to global scope
// window.Room = Room;


* class Door represents a boundary between two rooms
* extends Item
//;(function(window) {
* Create a new constructor function, whose prototype is the parent object's prototype.
* Set the child's prototype to the newly created constructor function.
* if argument exists use this mthod rather than: Room.prototype = new Item();
if (typeof extendObj == 'undefined') {
    var extendObj = function (childObj, parentObj) {
        var tmpObj = function () { }
        tmpObj.prototype = parentObj.prototype;
        childObj.prototype = new tmpObj();
        childObj.prototype.constructor = childObj;

//setup inheritance of object - must be called BEFORE class defined otherwise
// child prototypes get overridden by parent
extendObj(Door, Item);

function Door(title, position, dimensions, colour, roomA, roomB, isOpen) {
    * call parent constructor
    if (typeof Item == 'undefined') {
        //parent object not defined yet
        alert("Item object undefined to Room!");
    } else {, title, "door", null, position, dimensions, colour, null);

    * Static Properties - shared between all instances
    Door.VERSION = "Door 0.1";
    Room.TYPE = "Door";

    //static fields
    //if ( typeof Room.IDTOP == 'undefined' ) {
    // It has not been used yet, so perform the initialisation
    //Room.IDTOP = 0;

    * Privileged Properties - unique to each instance
    this.roomA = roomA; //Room object
    this.roomB = roomB; //Room object
    this.isOpen = isOpen; //Boolean

    * Private Properties - scope only in this inner function
    var self = this; //!!!always required to sort out scope issues with window, inner functions etc.
    //var _privateVar = 'Private Variable';

    * Privileged Methods
    * can access public, privileged and private methods and properties
    //this.getVersion = function() {
    //return Room.VERSION;

    * Private Methods
    * can also access any of the types
    //function privateMethod() {
    // }

    * Getters / Setters - of Private Properties via Privileged Methods
    //self.getPrivateVar = function() {
    //return _privateVar;

    //self.setPrivateVar = function(val) {
    //_privateVar = val;

    * Constructor
    self.__contruct = function () {
        //already handled by Privileged Properties


//setup inheritance of object
//extendObj(Room, Item);

* Public Properties - shared between all instances
//Room.prototype.publicProp = 'Public Variable';

* Public Methods - shared between all instances
Door.prototype.getVersion = function () { return Door.VERSION; }
Door.prototype.getTypeOf = function () { return Door.TYPE; }

Door.prototype.getRoomA = function () { return this.roomA; }
Door.prototype.getRoomB = function () { return this.roomB; }
Door.prototype.getIsOpen = function () { return this.isOpen; }

Door.prototype.setRoomA = function (roomA) { this.roomA = roomA; }
Door.prototype.setRoomB = function (roomB) { this.roomB = roomB; }
Door.prototype.setIsOpen = function (isOpen) { this.isOpen = isOpen; }

Door.prototype.toString = function () {
    var output = "";
    output += this.getVersion() + ",title=" + this.getTitle() + ",roomA=" + this.roomA.getTitle() + ",roomB=" + this.roomB.getTitle() + ",isOpen=" + this.getIsOpen();
    return output;

//make Room function visible to global scope
// window.Room = Room;